You retrieve the number of Ethernet packets on each interface exactly as you might guess:bsd2# snmptranslate -Tp rmon.statistics +--statistics(1) | +--etherStatsTable(1) | +--etherStatsEntry(1) | +-- -R-- Integer etherStatsIndex(1) | Range: 1..65535 +-- -RW- ObjID etherStatsDataSource(2) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsDropEvents(3) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsOctets(4) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts(5) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsBroadcastPkts(6) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsMulticastPkts(7) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsCRCAlignErrors(8) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsUndersizePkts(9) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsOversizePkts(10) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsFragments(11) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsJabbers(12) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsCollisions(13) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts64Octets(14) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts65to127Octets(15) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts128to255Octets(16) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts256to511Octets(17) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets(18) +-- -R-- Counter etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets(19) +-- -RW- String etherStatsOwner(20) | Textual Convention: OwnerString +-- -RW- EnumVal etherStatsStatus(21) Textual Convention: EntryStatus Values: valid(1), createRequest(2), underCreation(3), invalid( 4)
(This is data from a recently installed 12 port switch. The last three interfaces are currently unused uplink ports.) The primary problem with RMON, as described, is that it is limited to link-level traffic. This issue is being addressed with RMON2 (RFC 2021), which adds another 10 groups. In order to collect network-level information, however, it is necessary to delve into packets. This is processing intensive, so it is unlikely that RMON2 will become common in the near future. For most purposes, the first few RMON groups should be adequate. One final word of warning. While RMON may lessen network traffic, RMON can be CPU intensive. Make sure you aren't overloading your system when collecting RMON data. It is ironic that tools designed to analyze traffic to avoid poor performance can actually cause that performance. To make truly effective use of an RMON probe, you should consider using a commercial tool designed specifically for your equipment and goals.bsd2# snmpwalk public rmon. rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.1 = 36214 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.2 = 0 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.3 = 3994 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.4 = 242 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.5 = 284 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.6 = 292 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.7 = 314548 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.8 = 48074 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.9 = 36861 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.10 = 631831 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.11 = 104 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.12 = 457157 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.25 = 0 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.26 = 0 rmon.statistics.etherStatsTable.etherStatsEntry.etherStatsPkts.27 = 0
8.4. Network-Monitoring Tools | 8.6. Microsoft Windows |
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